Friday 16 September 2016

Bread Gulab Jamun

Bread Gulab Jamun,Gulab Jamun
Bread Gulab Jamnu

Ingredients : -

  • Bread slices - 5-6 pieces 
  • Milk - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Cardamom powder - 1tbsp
  • Almonds - 2 tbsp chopped 
  • Pistachio - 1 tbsp chopped 
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp
  • Oil for deep fry 
  • Water - 2 cup
  • Ghee - 1 tbsp

Method : -

  • First cut the edges from the bread slices and keep it aside.
  • Then prepare the syrup for that take a pan add sugar and water , let it boil.
  • When the syrup starts boiling, simmer the heat to medium flame and add cardamom powder, boil it again for another 15 minutes.
  • In the same time we will prepare the gulab jamun ball.
  • Crush the bread slices in to a bowl, add  ghee and pour milk slowly and knead the bread in to a smooth dough.
  • Then take little portion and stuff the chopped dry fruits(Raisins,almonds,pistachios) inside and seal the edges properly to make a ball like roll it in to your palm.
  • Make all the balls in to the same process and keep it aside.
  • Heat oil for deep fry in to a pan and put all the balls and fry it properly in low flame till golden brown.
  • Take it out on the kitchen napkin.
  • Check the sugar syrup and  If it's ready then switch off the flame.
  • Then add the fried bread balls in to the sugar syrup.
  • Let it be 10 minutes into the sugar syrup to absorbs the syrup.
  • Know it's ready to eat serve the bread Gulab jamun with a separate bowl and enjoy.

Bread Slices
Bread Slices

Stopping with Bread

Make all the stopping and give it a Ball Shape

After Frying
Soaking with Sugar syrup and garnish with Dry Fruit

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