Saturday 11 April 2020

Rasgolla/Pahala Rasgolla

Ingredients : -

•  2 Liter of full cream milk (you can make 10 to 15 medium size rasgollas)

• Lime juice - 3 to 4 table spoon or you can use 2 to 3 tablespoon of vinegar.

• Plain Flour (Maida) – 2 tablespoon

• Sugar – 1 tablespoon

• Muslin cloth or Fine strainer

For the Sugar Syrup :

• Water – 6 Cups

•  Sugar –  1 1/2 cup

• Cardamom power (Eli chi) – 1 teaspoon


For the Golla's :

•  Heat the Milk in a Deep bottomed pan and let it be boiling.

• Add the lime juice or vinegar slowly to curdle the milk, and leave it for 5 minutes in lowest flame.

• Once the milk is fully converted to cheese and the cheese separate from water switch off the Gas stove.

• Now place the muslin cloth on a strainer and slowly drain the water.

• Rap the cheese in the muslin cloth and keep it under the cool running water for 5 minutes. (This will remove any smell of lime).

• Tie the ends of the cloth and hang for half an hour in a large bowl start kneading the cheese.

• Nicely squeeze the muslin cloth and drain the water in to the cheese.

• Now the cheese put it in the plate, add the flour (Maida) and sugar and    knead for 5-10 mints till the dough is soft and smooth.

• Make it small small equal sized round balls.( make sure the balls are crack free)

For the Syrup and the Rasgolla:

• Heat a pan add 2tbsp of sugar and caremol it with high flame,once it turn brown in color add 1 cup of water and switch off the flame.
• Add same water with water and add rest of sugar in a wide mouth container .

• Add the Cardamom powder after the water starts boiling and the sugar is dissolved.

• Know add the cheese balls one by one at a time.

• Cover the pot and cook on lowest flame about 40-45 mints.

• Remove the lid and take the pan off heat and let it sit for 5 mints.

• Now it’s ready to eat, serve warm

Can be refrigerated up to 5 days an airtight container.    

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