Friday 11 March 2016

Fish Pakora

Ingredients : -

  • 4 pieces of fish ( steamed and cut into cube size) you can take boneless fish .
  • Egg - 2 no
  • Salt as per your taste 
  • Chill powder - 1/2  tbsp
  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 tbsp
  • Corn flour - 4tbsp
  • Lemon juice - 2tbsp
  • Chopped coriander leaves - 1tbsp
  • Oil for deep frying 

Methods : -

  • Take one big bowl and bit the eggs properly in this add the chilli powder,salt, lemon juice, turmeric powder and chopped coriander Leaves and mix it properly.
  • Then add corn flour and mix it well to make a smooth batter.
  • Heat oil in a pan for deep fry.
  • Then dip each cube pieces into the batter and put it in hot oil and make it fry till golden fry and crisp.
  • After that take it out to the kitchen napkin and serve hot with ketchup.
  • Enjoy your fish pakora.

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