Friday 1 April 2016

Jhal Muri (Bhel)


  • Mudhi (Bhel) – 1 big Bowl (about 200g)
  • Onion (Piaja)  -1 finely Chopped
  • Green chili (Kancha Lanka) - 1 finely chopped
  • Mixture - Half Cup
  • Mustard oil (Sorisa Tela) -1 Tsp.
  • Lemon juice (lembu Rasa) – 1 spoon
  • Coriander leaf (Dhania patra) - 1tsp finely chopped
  • Cucumber (Kakudi) – 2tsp finely chopped
  • Tomato – 2tsp finely chopped
  • Black salt (Kala Luna) – ½ tsp
  • Red chili powder – 1tsp
  • You can use roasted cumin and chili powder (jeera lanka gunda) – 1tsp
  • Roasted peanuts – 1cup


  • Put all the ingredients in a big bowl with Bhel (Mudi) and mix it properly and serve immediately.
(This Dish you can enjoy in any time, mostly in Sea Beach or rainy season)

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