Friday 23 January 2015

Chaula khiri (Rice khir)


  • Raw Rice (arua chaula) -200gm
  • Sugar (chini) –  400gm
  • Milk (khira)- 1liter
  • Ghee – 3-4 tsp
  • Cashew nut (kaju) – 25gm (Fried)
  • Raisin (khismis) – 25gm (Fried)
  • Bay leaves (teja patra)- 2
  • Cardamom (gujurati/ aleicha)- 5 (Half crushed)
  • A pinch of salt (luna)


  • Wash the rice and keep it aside.
  • Take a pan make it hot after that put the ghee and Sugar fry it for a minutes.
  • Add the rice to the sugar and fry for a mints.
  • Add some water and little salt, bay leaves put it in a pressure cooker and cover it with lid.
  • Allow it to cook properly up to 3-4 whistles.
  • After that remove the lid and add milk to cooked rice and mix it properly.
  • Let it boil in medium flame for 5-10 mints and add the sugar.
  • Boil again 5 mints.
  • After that add condensed milk to it (optional)(for taste only).
  • Add all fried cashew nut, raisin and half crushed cardamom power.
  • As the contents turn semi-thick, switch off the flame.
  • Your khiri is ready, Serve cold.

Chena Poda

Chena Poda or cheese cake is an extremely authentic and extremely popular in odisha as a sweet dish that is made by slowly baking Chenna (Cottage cheese) in earthen fire for few hours and then cooling it down for hours before serving .The sweet dish owes its origin to the temple of Lord Jagannath. This is my husband’s one of the favorite sweet dish.


  • Cheese (chenna) – 1kg
  • Semolina (suji) – 150gm
  • Sugar (chini) – 500gm
  • Cashew nuts (kaju) -150gm
  • Raisin (kismis) – 50gm
  • Cinnamon (dalchini)- 50gm

  • Drain excess water from the curdled milk and mash the Chenna.
  • Pour all ingredients in that chenna (cheese) and mix it properly using spoon or a hand blender.
  • Preheat the oven at 350f .
  • Pour  the mixture into the baking pan add the garnishing and bake it 40-50 mints till the top turns to light brown.
  • Insert a tooth pick and check if it comes clean.
  • Cool it after taking out from the oven.
  • Your yummy sweet chenna  poda is Ready.
  • Carefully cut into pieces like cake and serve.


Ingredients : -

For Golla’s:
  •  2 Liter of full cream milk (you can make 10 to 15 medium size rasgollas)
  • Lime juice - 3 to 4 table spoon or you can use 2 to 3 tablespoon of vinegar.
  • Semolina (Sooji) – 2 tablespoon
  • Plain Flour (Maida) – 2 tablespoon
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Muslin cloth or Fine strainer

For the Sugar Syrup :
  • Water – 6 Cups
  •  Sugar –  3-4 cup
  • Cardamom power (Eli chi) – 1 teaspoon


For the Golla's :
  •  Heat the Milk in a Deep bottomed pan and let it be boiling.
  • Add the lime juice or vinegar slowly to curdle the milk, and live it 5 minutes in lowest flame.
  • Once the milk is fully converted to cheese and the cheese separate from water switch off the Gas stove.
  • Now place the Muslin cloth on a strainer and slowly drain the water.
  • Rap the Cheese in the muslin cloth and keep it under the cool running water for 5 minutes. (This will remove any smell of lime).
  • Tie the ends of the cloth and hang for half an hour in a large bowl start kneading the cheese.
  • Nicely squeeze the muslin cloth and drain the water in to the cheese.
  • Now the cheese put it in the plate, add the Semolina (Sooji), flour (Maida) and sugar and    knead for 5-10 mints till the dough is soft and smooth.
  • Make it small small equal sized round balls.( make sure the balls are crack free)
  • For the Syrup and the Rasgolla:
  • Heat water and sugar in a wide mouth container .
  • Add the Cardamom powder after the water starts boiling and the sugar is dissolved.
  • Lower the heat and add the cheese balls one at a time.
  • Cover the pot and cook on lowest flame about 40-45 mints.
  • Remove the lid and take the pan off heat and let it sit for 5 mints.
  • Now it’s ready to eat, serve warm
Can be refrigerated up to 5 days an airtight container.